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最让人讨厌名人榜出炉 布吕尼登榜首

[提要]  老公要有钱、有权,这似乎是大多数女人的梦想,法国总统萨科齐的老婆卡拉·布吕尼似乎很幸运,轻松就实现了大多数女人的梦。据悉,这次共有1713人参与了有关在线调查,评选出他们最不喜欢的名人、体育界明星和政治家等,其中,43岁的布吕尼的老公萨科齐也光荣进入“最让人讨厌的政治家”的榜单,排名第四。

  Wealth, glamour and a powerful husband – it might seem as though Carla Bruni has it all. But while she rubs shoulders with the rich and famous, it appears the former supermodel lacks something of the common touch. The French people have voted their president’s wife as the country’s most irritating celebrity.


  On top of that, the poll to find the country’s most annoying people found her husband Nicolas Sarkozy to be one of France’s most irksome politicians. Miss Bruni, 43, topped the list of media personalities that most got on people’s nerves, with 52 per cent of people saying they found her presence ‘highly grating’. She was followed by veteran screen star Alain Delon on 47 per cent and actor Gerard Depardieu on 46 per cent in the Harris poll of 1,713 adults. The award rounds off a turbulent year for Miss Bruni.


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