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谷歌可以在10天内终结中国当局的互联网审查?追求网络自由的活动人士坚信这是可能的。问题是,谷歌是否愿意这样做呢?记者专访“自由微博”成员查理·史密斯(Charlie Smith)。
  你在英国《卫报》(The Guardian)发表文章称,谷歌可以在十天内终结中国的互联网审查。这要怎样才能做到呢?
  我们的方法称为"抵押自由"(Collateral Freedom)。我们不是说"防火长城"(GFW)不能封杀我们(的方法)。我们的意思是,GFW不敢这么做,因为会担心产生严重的经济损失。GitHub是一个很好的例子:GitHub网站在中国遭到全面封杀。但仅仅几天之后,该网站就完全恢复。在此之前,发生了罕见的公开抗议行动,迫使当局重新审视他们的决定。很显然,中国境内的许多软件开发者都依赖Github来共享代码。彻底封杀该网站影响到巨大的商机。GitHub也许就是因为太重要,以至于无法封杀(too important to block)。
  封杀一个市场占有率达到30%的网站是不可想象的,会导致大规模抗议。我之前提到中国曾被迫解禁Github,而这个网站的重要性远不如谷歌。谷歌在2010年已经错失黄金机会。他们目前3%的市场份额已经不足以成为对抗政府的有效杠杆。尽管如此,许多企业,尤其外国企业仍然依赖谷歌产品,比如Gmail和Google App。封杀谷歌会带来严重的商业后果,因为人们会发现自己的工作因为无法获取谷歌提供的服务而被迫中断。
  附:Google could end China’s web censorship in 10 days – why doesn’t it?
  Google is too big for China to block. Just two simple steps and Eric Schmidt will have done something we can all celebrate
  This week, Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, was quoted as saying during a speech in Washington: "We can end government censorship in a decade. The solution to government surveillance is to encrypt everything."
  2. While we provide a pretty comprehensive list of websites that are blocked in China, Google holds the best list of blocked websites, everywhere in the world. If the website that a user tries to visit is blocked, Google should redirect the user to a mirrored version of the same website hosted by Google.
  That’s it. Two simple steps and Google could end online censorship by the end of this month in China. Quite possibly they could end online censorship just about everywhere in the world before the new year. Forget about not doing evil – this would be something that we could all celebrate.
  Critics of our approach will say that the "do it, they might not block you" argument is tenuous. But that is not what we are saying. What we are saying is: "Google! Do it! If they don’t block you, freedom wins. If they do block you, there will be much more opposition to censorship inside China and the system will be forced to change, thus freedom wins too!"
  Is there a better example of a win-win outcome?
  We are gambling that Google is big enough and important enough that the Chinese authorities would not dare block it completely. They tried it once before and backed down after a day. They have sometimes made Google services like Gmail excruciatingly difficult to use. But given how essential Google is to so many individuals and businesses, blocking the company entirely would have immediate and disastrous economic consequences.
  Our two-step approach is not technically complicated. In the past, we have repeatedly asked Google to make its search engine https by default, but it took Edward Snowden and a bunch of files to make Google do this for the US market.
  Every time you click on a Google search result that takes you to a blocked website, Google can detect that the site is blocked. They also have an index of the entire content of the internet. It would be easy for Google to make a change to its search engine, so that when you click on a blocked link, you are redirected to an unblocked version of the page, hosted on an unblockable proxy. Google is already halfway there. Google caches most internet pages and provides them to users. The cache is hosted on a separate domain, which is blocked in China but Google can simply host the cache on a subpath to bypass the block.
  It did not take us long to mirror both the Reuters and the China Digital Times websites. The Chinese authorities have not moved to block the three mirrors we have created. The window of opportunity is open for Google to make its move. Google could do what we did in the blink of an eye. We estimate it would take a small team at Google about 10 days of work – but this is Google we are talking about. They could likely do this over late-night tofu pizza.
  There must be Google employees who have already proposed doing what we are suggesting. While Schmidt may feel that he needs to speak out to others on causes that he and the co-founders of Google feel are important, he should not lose sight of his company’s own ability to bring about these changes.
来源: 综合


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