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You’re Too Pretty-Di Johnston

You're Too Pretty-Di Johnston

You’re Too Pretty-Di Johnston

Di Johnston是一位出生于香港的美国小姐。第一张专集是在日本发行的,成绩很不错。Di声音飘渺,柔柔的诉说着些什么。曲风有着很重的流行味,可又给人清新,新颖的感觉。朋友说有香奈儿7号的味道,很温暖。让人好生陶醉。声音像是夹杂在鼓点间的溪水,有节奏的无规则流淌,很惬意的感觉。另外那一点点爵士味道,配合一些些手鼓,脚鼓,加分不少哦。

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All it really took was a look from across the room
I caught your eye and I knew I was doomed
To fall deeply for the idea of you and me
Together could I ever make this dream come true?

Imagine my sweet surprise
When you said you felt likewise

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

If they ask I would sing all your praises
Tell them all about your charms and grace
And how you’d always say that you’d take me so many places
Will they only see a perfect face?

Now I’m spending all my time on your outside
But with every pretty face there’s only downside

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

I suppose that I was hoping to prove them all wrong
That I can get past your surface
To the innermost secrets
But I keep getting stuck because
You’re so pretty

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

All it really took was a look from across the room I caught your eye
To fall deeply for the idea of you and me together

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