太康 原名康永杰,别号卧游山人、梅道人,满族正黄旗。一九六零年七月生于辽宁抚顺市,曾先后就读于中央美术学院及首都师范大学首届书法硕士研究生班。现为华夏艺术交流协会会长、中残联书法家联谊会副会长、中国书法家协会会员、北京抱琴轩文化艺术交流中心艺术总监、方庄艺术沙龙主持、资深策展人。主要参展:中国书法家协会主办的全国书法展、全国中青展、全国篆刻展及中日韩书刻展、著名篆刻家提名展、流行书风展、世界华人书画展、东京中日书法双年展、2008.奥林匹克文化节书画邀请展等。2003年举办太康书画篆刻展(山西);2004年参加丁立人、石开、太康、朱新建四人联展(荣宝斋);2005年举办太康书画篆刻展(广东);2008年参加我的梦–中国著名残疾人书画家五人邀请展(北京)。曾受聘北京广播电台专题栏目嘉宾主持、中国网–中国访谈特约嘉宾、北京日报书画专版艺术顾问。主编出版《当代大写意篆刻集》、《实用印章起步》、《中国水墨艺术家——太康卷》、《浪漫主义书家——太康》、《历代名家书心经》、《泼墨江山——当代著名水墨艺术家作品选》、《和阖——中国著名青年书画家作品选》、《方庄著名书画家作品选》以及合集数十种,从2003年至今在北京荣宝斋主持策划“中国当代水墨艺术家系列作品邀请展”五十余人次,同时主编出版系列作品集。2008年华夏出版社出版大型作品专辑《太康书画篆刻作品集》,书画篆刻作品2000余件被国内外藏家收藏。
Art Profile of Tai Kang
Tai Kang, originally named Kang Yongjie, with nicknames of WoYouShanRen and MeiDaoRen, a ZhengHuangQi descendant of Manchu. Tai Kang was born in Fushun City of Liaoning Province in July 1960, who has studied at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts and the first calligraphy Master class of the Capital Normal University in succession. Now Tai Kang is the president of Chinese Art Exchange Association, the vice president of CDPF (Chinese Disabled Person Federation) Calligraphers Association, the member of China Calligraphers Association, the art director of Beijing Baoqinxuan Culture and Art Exchange Center, the host and the curator of Fangzhuang Art Salon. Main exhibition: the National Calligraphy Exhibition, the National Youth’s Exhibition and the National Seal Cutting Exhibition, the China-Japan-South Korea Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition, the Famous Seal Cutting Sculptor Nomination Exhibition, the Popular Calligraphy Style Exhibition, the World Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, the China-Japan Calligraphy Biennale Exhibition in Tokyo, 2008 Olympic Culture Festival Painting and Calligraphy Invitation Exhibition and etc. mainly organized by China Calligraphers Association.
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