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[出售] 泰国曼谷1卧1卫的房产

房产类型: 公寓
面积: (1) 45 ㎡
总价: (1) 9,700,000 泰铢
单价: (1) 215,556 泰铢/㎡
所属地区: 直辖市(曼谷-Bangkok)
具体地址: Bangkok
轨道交通: 距离最近的BTS/MRT站 - Bangkok Land Transport Office Area 1 : 319 米
概况: 未填写

007546-CSE is a resale Condominium of 45 square meter with 1 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. At Klass Condo Langsuan building, this property is located in Langsuan, Bangkok and was completed in 2017. A foreigner can own this Condominium in Freehold for a selling price of 9,700,000THB (215,556THB/m2)

007546-CSE 是一个转售公寓 45 平方米与 1 卧室和 1 浴室。 Klass Condo Langsuan,此物业位于Langsuan, Bangkok。外国人可以在永久地契,售价为9,700,000 泰铢(215,556 泰铢/平方米)

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